Your Furnace Replacement: Going With an ECM Motor

Your Furnace Replacement: Going With an ECM Motor

If you’re looking to replace the furnace in your Sacramento home, consider a unit with a furnace ECM motor, also known as an electronically commutated motor. There are several advantages to choosing this type over the conventional permanent split-capacitor (PSC) motor.

A Furnace ECM Motor in your Sacramento Home

Variable speed – The PSC motor runs at one speed, whereas an ECM motor offers variable speed operation. In addition, the design means PSC motors aren’t programmable and can have lower performance because they don’t adjust their speed. The variable speed in an ECM motor gives it flexibility, delivers airflow better and heats a home more efficiently.

Internal controls – The PSC motor has often been favored for its simpler design and reliability. However, it lacks internal controls, which means it can’t be programmed. A ECM motor does have internal controls.

Quieter – PSC motors make considerable noise, but ECM motors are quiet. This is another advantage, as your home is more peaceful.

Energy efficient – This is one of the best advantages of a furnace ECM motor. It consumes around 80 watts of energy, whereas a PCM motor uses over 500 watts. This makes a big difference, saving you money on your monthly bills.

For professional help determining if a furnace ECM motor is right for your home’s needs, contact the experts at All Year Heating, Air & Solar. We proudly serve the HVAC needs of homeowners throughout the greater Sacramento area.